Branding and design: navigating the design process

Christa Ponce from Bonito Studio sits at a wooden table, working on a laptop. She is wearing a red long-sleeved shirt. The laptop screen shows a colorful layout with text in Spanish, mentioning dates and a Kit Delivery. A gray mug and a glass of water are on the table next to the laptop. The room is well-lit with light-colored walls and a large window, creating a cozy workspace atmosphere
A step-by-step breakdown of the design process, including research, ideation, wireframing, mockups, and final implementation.

Since we started to design, we’ve had to create our design process and make it perfect.

Is it perfect? No.

We are getting there.

Over the years we’ve learned the do’s, don’ts, maybes, and perhaps that the design process needs. That’s why we now know that the design process involves a series of well-defined steps to create effective and visually appealing designs.

Here’s the breakdown of what WE recommend from start to finish:

Research and discovery

  • Understand the client's goals, target audience, and brand identity.
  • Collect relevant materials, such as brand guidelines, existing assets, and content.
  • Conduct research into the competitors and current design trends.

Define objectives and scope

  • Clarify project goals, deliverables, and timelines with the client.
  • Establish a clear understanding of what the design needs to achieve.


  • Generate a variety of design concepts and ideas.
  • Explore different directions, keeping in mind the project's goals and the client's preferences.


  • Create rough sketches or wireframes to visualise the layout and structure.
  • Focus on arranging elements and content in a coherent and user-friendly manner.

Concept development

  • Select a few promising ideas from the brainstorming phase.
  • Develop these concepts further, exploring typography, colour palettes, imagery, and overall style.

Create initial mock-ups

  • Using design software, translate the developed concepts into more refined digital mock-ups.
  • These mock-ups should provide a clear visual representation of the design direction.

Gather feedback

  • Share the initial mock-ups with the client and gather feedback.
  • Consider both design-related feedback and any strategic input from the client.

Iterate and refine

  • Based on the feedback received, make necessary revisions and improvements.
  • Continue refining the design until it aligns with the client’s vision and objectives.

Finalise design

  • Incorporate all the approved changes and improvements.
  • Ensure that the design is consistent, balanced, and visually appealing.

Design review

  • Conduct a thorough review of the final design to catch any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Check for proper alignment, spacing, typography, and colour accuracy.

Client approval

  • Present the final design to the client for approval.
  • Address any last-minute changes or concerns before moving forward.

Prepare assets for implementation

  • Organise and prepare all design assets for implementation.
  • Create different versions and formats as needed for various platforms.

Handoff to development

  • Collaborate with developers to ensure a smooth transition from design to implementation.
  • Provide detailed design specifications and assets to guide the development process.

Testing and quality assurance

  • Once the design is implemented, thoroughly test it across different devices and browsers.
  • Check for responsiveness, functionality, and visual consistency.

Final launch and delivery

  • After testing and necessary adjustments, launch the design or deliver it to the client.
  • Ensure that all design elements are correctly integrated and functioning as intended.

Post-launch review

  • After the design is live, review its performance and gather user feedback.
  • Address any issues that arise and make continuous improvements. 

The design process is dynamic and may vary depending on the project's complexity. However, these steps provide a general frameworkto guide the creation of successful design projects.

Do you have a project in mind? Drop us a message if you would like to partner with us at