Design studio

Liza Ponce from Bonito Studio is working on a laptop in a modern, well-lit setting. She is dressed in a black blazer and has a white cup and saucer on the wooden table in front of her.
Bonito Studio is a women-led design studio specializing in branding and web design for social impact businesses. With over a decade of experience, we create engaging, value-driven designs through a fun and collaborative process. Ready to make an impact together?

Design studio: welcome to Bonito!

Bonito is a design studio for changemakers specialised in branding and website design. We focus on helping social impact driven business: solopreneurs, non-profits and people who are trying to make a change. Led by women it’s our design studio’s mission to help others by making their message more powerful, beautiful, and functionable.

We are two sisters with more than 10 years’ experience in marketing, branding and website design. Because of our shared passion for volunteering and making the world a better place, we created Bonito Studio. We know how most branding and marketing agencies work and we want to do it better. At Bonito YOU are our priority. We believe in you, support you and recommend you. We can make your brand and impact grow.

What services does a design studio offer?

Every design studio offers different services. At Bonito we are passionate about and experienced in:

  • Brand development: brand identity workshops & brand strategy
  • Branding:  brand identity design, brand book, rebranding, presentation design &printed collateral
  • Website design: website strategy workshops, website design & Webflow development

The achievements of Bonito Design Studio

Discover our portfolio.

How does the collaboration with a design studio work?

Whether you are starting or restarting, we will help shape your case.

1. We listen and discover.

We listen to who you are and what you need to understand where to start. Through a discovery call we will understand the scope of your project to determine where we need to start.

2. Strategy for consistency

We gather up for our strategy workshop where we build the guide for brand management so there is consistency between your cause and the message that reaches your consumers.

3. Designing your new brand

We shape your cause in a way that connects with your customer.

4. Share it with the world and see the magic happen

Voilá! Your cause is ready to be shared.

Creativity is always the solution

A design studio is a place where creative people come together to make powerful and unique designs. A design studio can help with your branding, illustrations, printing, digitals design, and many more. It depends on the focus of the design studio.

Working together with a design studio is always a good idea. Especially when you have no idea what you need. By analysing you and your brand, design studios know exactly what you need. They get to know you, your brand, your target audience, and your competitors to find the perfect way to make impact.

When all your ‘problems’ are aligned, they put together a creative team specialised in exactly what you need.

In short: you come to us with a problem, we solve it in a creative way.

What tools does a design studio use?

Design studios use different kind of tools to make powerful designs. Every step in the process is supported by creativity and tools to give everything the right structure.

Which tools a design agency uses, depends on the exact services that they offer. We, for example, use mostly management tools, moodboard tools, design tools and reference tools.

Why hire a design studio?

Design studios are stuffed with professionals who have specialized expertise in various design fields. No matter what problem needs to be solved, they have the knowledge and experience to develop creative, but above all effective designs that help you achieve your goals.

We help you develop a strong brand identity that aligns with your values and goals to convince your target audience to join your movement or buy your products.

We also help you save money in the long run. We know what we’re doing so no more wasting money on things that don’t work.

How much does a collaboration with a design studio cost?

Every brand is different. And so is yours. We always follow a personalised strategy, so all our projects are completely different.

Book a call with us here to discuss your project. You’ll receive a personalised and honest quote based on your needs.