The definition of brand personality
A brand personality is the personality (personification) assigned to a brand. It describes the traits, values and characteristics associated with your brand. Young, adventurous, professional ... and so on. It helps your brand build an emotional connection with your target audience and sets you apart from the competition. Brand personality is also used to determine communication and marketing strategies.
In other words, you treat your brand as if it were a person with its own personality and style.
Why is a brand personality important?
As the definition says, a brand personality is important to build an emotional connection with your target audience. People are always looking for emotional connections, and this is no different with a brand. They look for a brand that appeals to them and that they can identify with. A powerful brand personality can then make consumers feel more engaged with your brand and thus more likely to proceed to purchase.
In addition, a powerful brand personality also differentiates you from your competitors. In a market with many competitors, it can be difficult to stand out. A strong brand personality ensures that your brand stands out, that your target audience recognizes and remembers you.
Last but not least, we also cited that a brand personality is used to devise communication and marketing strategies. For example, if your brand has an adventurous, young brand personality, your marketing campaigns will also be targeted at a younger audience with the goal of eliciting a sense of adventure.

Dimensions of brand personality
In "The Journal of Marketing Research," Jennifer Aaker outlines 5 dimensions of brand personality: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and robustness.
You can use these 5 pillars as a starting point for building your brand personality.
Some personality traits for each dimension:
- Sincerity
- Trustworthiness
- Honesty
- Authenticity
- Cheerfulness
- Passion
- Adventurousness
- Enthusiasm
- Bravery
- Imagination
- Daring
- Intelligence
- Reliability
- Success
- Principled
- Conscientious
- Elegance
- Worldliness
- Confidence
- Tact
- Toughness
- Athletic
- Rugged
- Outdoorsman
- Reliable
Types of brand personality
There are many different types and ways to describe brand personality. A common way are the brand archetypes that represent the basic characteristics of brand personality. They are used to help brands develop their brand personality and devise marketing and communication strategies.
It is important to note that these brand archetypes can also be combined to build a unique brand personality.
How to create a brand personality
1. Define and capture your brand values
What distinguishes your brand from the competitor's?
2. Use your target audience as inspiration
What or who would they want to see?
3. Create a brand persona
Put together a persona for your brand. Think about the characteristics and personality of your brand.
In other words, how would my brand behave if it were a person?
4. Determine how you want to come across
The way you address your target audience is your tone-of-voice. This can be humorous, serious, businesslike, informal ....
In other words, how would my brand sound if it were a person?
5. Develop your visual elements
Start working on visual elements such as color, typography, imagery ... that reflect the voice and personality of your brand.
6. Imply your brand personality
Once everything is in place, it is time to apply your brand personality consistently across all your brand expressions. Your marketing, communications, sales ... this will ensure that you build recognition and trust.
7. Evaluate and adapt
The market is constantly changing. Your brand personality must also follow. Check whether your brand personality is still up-to-date regularly and adjust where necessary.

Good examples of brand personality
We make brand personality even clearer by looking at great brands. Dream away for a moment and think about having dinner with these top brands.
For example, with Nike, you would eat at a restaurant where they sell healthy food. Think smoothie bowl, protein bars ... You expect a sporty and active person who has a lot to say about his or her adventures.
If you went to a restaurant with Redbull, you would also choose healthy sports food. But you expect a highly energetic person who wouldn't shut up for a second. Do you notice the difference with Nike?
Then again, with Chanel you would be more likely to go to a tea room. You expect a polite man or woman who follows etiquette to the last detail.
Of course, it is not really possible to go to a restaurant with these brands. But, you can perfectly imagine how dinner would go. And, with a little imagination, you can even perfectly imagine the person who would be sitting across from you. That’s what you need to create for your brand.
Professional support for your brand personality by Bonito Studio
Want to launch a powerful brand that makes an impact? Bonito.Studio helps world changers like you make a difference. Together, we develop a brand personality that reflects your brand's values and convinces your target audience to step into your story with you.
The Bonito approach
Before we start working on your brand personality, we want to know who you are. We start our collaboration with an introductory meeting. In this conversation, we get to know who you are, what you do, what you like, what you don't like ...
Once we know you, it's time to get to know your brand. What are your products/services? What difference does your product/service make? These values are super important to build your brand personality.
Your brand personality should fit you and feel natural. That's why we ask you "I am/ I am not questions. For example:
- I am strong
- I am not funny
- I am organized
- I am not joking
Then we will discuss what makes your unique. What is your Unique Selling Proposition? In other words, what sets you apart from your competitors?
We process everything and provide you with some files. We ask for your feedback and additions.
Once we have received your feedback, we will dot the i's and cross the t's.
That way, we can fine-tune your brand personality and move forward with your brand building.