Balance Festival

Balance Festival is a leading wellness event in London where they unite customers with world-class trainers, yoga icons, wellness experts, inspiring chefs and next-generation food and lifestyle brands.

Website Design | Easol Development


Client: Balance Festival

Art Direction: Bonito Studio

Design: Bonito Studio

the challenge

Balance Festival is an event founded in 2016 where each year gathers thousands of people in central London for a weekend full of wellness, activity and community. Over the years, Balance has established their brand identity so well, and one of our biggest challenges was maintaining consistency with the existing branding and messaging. We wanted to push the brand without losing consistency and brand awareness they have built over the years. Another challenge was ensuring compatibility with different browsers and devices since we were working with a new platform.

Balance Festival preview of their new website
our approach

Understanding the purpose and need of the new design but also getting to know the brand identity allowed us to focus our research in functionality. The target audience needed a design that allowed them to understand and digest the information and sign up in an easy way.  Simple as that.

We kicked-off the project with a workshop with Balance’s team to set goals, create a timeline, and outline the project's scope and expectations. A key moment in our process since we solved questions, concerns, raised flags that needed attention as we went on.

Site architecture and wireframing. Here we design the layout and structure of each page so Balance could get a feeling of how the website would look before actually designing and developing the site. This stage was critical to ensure that the website's navigation and user experience were intuitive and easy to use.

With the information architecture and wireframes in place, we created the website's visual design, including colour palettes , typography, and imagery. The visual design was consistent with the current branding and conveyed the website's message and goals effectively.

Once we got approval… It was time to develop the website! With a lot of testing we made sure the website was functional and performed well on different devices and platforms. We always launch and monitor.

In summary, we approach a website redesign project through a comprehensive process that includes research and analysis, planning and strategy, information architecture and wireframing, visual design, development and testing, and launch and maintenance.

This way we make sure the website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and meets the client's business goals and objectives.

Balance Festival home page
Balance FestivalBalance Festival

Our client's thoughts

Working with Bonito has been a truly excellent and seamless experience. Christa and Liza worked with me on Balance Festival to redesign and modify the website, also creating bespoke functions for our specific needs. Their knowledge, insight and recommendations have been immeasurably helpful. Their speedy communication and readiness to action urgent requests quickly has also been greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sophie - Balance Festival
Balance Festival
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